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Vibrational Spray's


Interested in having an Aura Reading?

Sheila will use the Biopulsar Reflexograph, which reads the colour of your Aura! This allows you to see the dynamics between Aura, Colour and the Chakras. Sheila will interpret the reading and provide insight into your Auric Field and Chakras.

Hi, I'm Sheila Raadschelders

Learn More about ME!

Customer Testimonials

RaadCrystals Products and Service Testimonials: 

RaadCrystals sprays are great to use when setting intentions. They smell wonderful and are amazing at giving a vibrational lift! - Nicole W

Sheila is an amazing alchemist. Her intuitive ability combines with her creative to produce powerful products and tools. She is extremely knowledgeable and gets connected into a creative and energetic wisdom to advise or create exactly what is right for you. I have personally used her products for years and cannot wait to work with her next inspiration. - Kelly D

I have purchased and used several of RaadCrystal’s items and find that they are now my must haves. Sheila has a method of combining essences, colour and other materials to achieve a unique, useable product. I highly recommend her products! - Dorothy D

Get in touch with sheila