Spring is Here - Rebirth, Renewal and Rejoice!

Hello Pet-Friends - it’s Kathleen for the Cat’s Meow.

How is everyone? I haven’t been writing as much lately as I am still learning how to be a Spirit Cat. It takes a lot of training and being in oneness with myself to figure out what role I want to play in the human world.

Plus, with all the energy on Earth being out of sorts lately, it was really hard for me to navigate. I didn’t know how to respond or where to go to offer support. In the end, I gave all my love and attention to Pet-Mom while she deals with the passing of her Mom, my Pet-Oma.

Pet-Oma is here with me, but she doesn’t understand why she is here and why she is no longer on Earth. That is a story for another day, but for today I want to reconnect with all of you and to say I am getting stronger and stronger and my role is becoming more defined. Also, Pet-Mom is able to spend more time with me, to write out all that I have to say!

For today - I wanted to give thanks and gratitude that Spring is finally here. Spring is my favourite season. It symbolizes rebirth, renewal, rejoicing and warmth. I loved the sun when I lived at home with Pet-Mom and Pet-Dad. I would lie for hours in a sunspot and just drink up all the rays. I felt so warm inside and out, it was a fabulous time and and wonderful feeling.

I also loved to watch the new leaves open on the trees outside the windows of the apartment. The new yellow-green leaves looked so happy on the branches. Every Spring, Pet-Mom picked up dirt, pots and plants and we went out on the patio and she planted flowers for me to smell, and herbs to eat. She planted human herbs for her had Pet-Dad, and catnip just for me.

We would sit in the afternoons, having tea and I sat on one deck chair and she was on the other and we talked about life and sometimes we just sat in silence watching the clouds and wondering what wildflowers would grow in the flower boxes. It was a wonderful life, I miss it sometimes, but I know that there is a higher purpose for me.

Right now, I am going to relax with Pet-Mom on the patio (I know she can feel me), drink in all the suns rays and be beside her when she plants the new flower boxes. I know she already picked up some catnip plants. She is planting three of them, two are for Pet-Oma’s cats she adopted, Thelma and Louise. I know that the third one is for me. I can see her writing my name on a stick she is putting in the planter.

Pet-Mom will never forget about me and that makes me purr all over. Time to walk over the Rainbow Bridge and be with Pet-Mom, she is having a tea on the patio and I don’t want to miss a moment of Kathleen and Pet-Mom time.

Until next time Pet-Friends - enjoy Spring and all of its joys. Rebirth, renewal, rejoicing, being in a sunspot and just enjoying all the goodness that Earth is bringing.

Your Friend, Kathleen.

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