The Dragonfly as a Symbol in Kathleen's Transition

Hello Everyone,

It’s Kathleen, for the Cat’s Meow. I hope everyone and everything on Earth is going okay. I know 2020 has been odd and sometimes very difficult to manage, but I have faith that all will be well.

Pet-Friends, as you may have heard or read, I have moved from physical Earth and I am now in Heaven/Spirit/Source. I use all three because I haven’t really made up my mind of what to call it. Pet-Dad likes it when I use Heaven. All I want to say about moving forward and upward is that it was a lovely transition. When I was in Pet-Mom’s arms for the last time, she called in all of her Spirit Guides and all her loved ones who have already passed to greet me. When the brilliant white light came upon me, Pet-Mom told me to go ahead, that she trusted all those who
were waiting to meet me and that I was not to be afraid. So I did. She was so right, Pet-Mom is usually right about Spirit things, I was greeted and friended and loved, right from the moment I closed my eyes. I could feel them, speak to them and see them. I felt right at home. My Spirit Helpers will assist me in becoming a full Spirit Guide to Pet-Mom. It will take a bit of time. I didn’t know that there was so much to learn to be a Spirit Guide to someone on Earth. I know that Pet-Mom won’t mind if I make a boo-boo every now and then. She talks to me a lot from Earth. I like that, Pet-Mom and I always talked everyday about all topics and I can hear her up here is the Spirit World.

I know that Pet-Mom misses me so much. And I want to help her but I didn’t know how. That is when Pet-Mom’s Dad and Oma came to me and told me to give Pet-Mom a sign that I was with them and they were taking good care of me. I told Spirit Dad and Oma, what could I be? They said I was to pick something that would get Pet-Moms attention and then give her a thought in her third eye chakra, which is where humans have their intuition, that this sign was “Kathleen”. I asked Spirit Dad and Oma what their signs were and Spirit Dad said that for his widow he was a hummingbird and for Pet-Mom he was a honking Canada Goose. He said that he did that on Pet-Moms birthday when she was taking a walk, and she actually said “thank you for the birthday wishes Dad, I knew you wouldn’t forget.”

I am really impressed that he could transform into a hummingbird and a goose. Spirit Oma has a different way, whenever she wants to get Pet-Mom’s attention, she comes as a “Clearance or Sale” sign. I gave my whiskers a twitch at that and she told me that some of her happiest times were when she and Pet-Mom were looking for bargains and they never knew what they would find. She said that
one time they found a book on herbs and things that were made in the 1800’s that is still in Pet-Mom’s bookshelf. I know the book she is talking about. Pet-Mom touches and smiles each time. So I know she is feeling and thinking about her Oma.

After much thought and more thought, I just couldn’t come up with anything. So I
decided I would wing-it and just see what would pop up when the time came for me to let Pet-Mom know that I was with the people she sent to me. Pet-Friends, the answer came three days later. You see, Pet-Mom was at her mothers apartment because it was her brothers birthday and everyone was going to be there. She didn’t want to go, but she went anyway. Pet-Mom was still very sad. And some of the people there were not very sympathetic with my passing. So, Pet-Mom went to sit outside on the patio to get a breath of fresh air. Then out of the blue, a few small dragonflies flew around and Pet-Mom said out loud how pretty they were. Aha ! said I, I can change into a dragonfly and buzz around Pet-Mom. But by the time I was ready, she went inside. I took a deep breath and then all of a sudden she came out again, walked down a few steps and sat down on a bench on the path that leads back to our home. I took my chance, and I buzzed around her. I flew right into her face, I was still learning how to fly. She was startled and then laughed. “Kathleen”, she said “I knew you would give me a sign”. I then flew onto a branch that was close by so she could see me. “You are the biggest dragonfly I have seen out here. I am not surprised, you are a big purrr-sonality. I love that you picked black and green for your colours, just like you were here on Earth.”

She then took out her phone and took a few pictures of me. A neighbour came by and said WOW! look at that large dragonfly, I never knew one to stay so still. Pet-Mom then told the neighbour it was me and that I was giving her a sign that I have made it to the other side and that I am with the people she sent to me. She also said that she was very happy that I made the transition and that she felt that I was at peace. The neighbour shook his head and said that made so sense. Pet-Mom turned to me and said, “Thank you for letting me know. I wasn’t worried but it is always good to know that you are being looked after.” I flicked my wings and then I left.

Now Pet-Mom knows that when a large black and green dragonfly flies in her face or really close, that it is me and that I am with her. I am a very lucky kitty to have a Pet-Mom who made it possible for me to be able to make contact with her whenever I want. I can’t wait until I can do it again.

I will talk to you very soon Pet-Friends. Watch for signs from your pets that have passed on, they may just be trying to get in touch!

- Kathleen

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