Embracing Orange for that Creative Burst
Hello Pet-Friends,
It’s Kathleen for the Cat’s Meow. I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. I know Pet-Mom and Pet-Dad are. It’s hard for them not to be as social and going out as they once did, but I do hear Pet-Mom say “the light is at the end of this tunnel and it grows brighter every day’’. And I believe her. One day everyone will reach the end of the tunnel and be able to go out and enjoy life.

Anyway I wanted to write today Pet-Friends because I noticed that Pet-Mom was wearing her orange t-shirt, drinking orange juice out of an orange cup, she used orange blossom floral water in the air and used an orange roll-on on the bottoms of her feet, plus she was wearing her orange fingerless gloves. I was so curious why she was sitting on the bed, (our favourite place to relax and chat), with her orange pen and orange notebook. I just had to fly down and nudge her and find out what she is doing. When I come down, I always give Pet-Mom a Spirit Paw tap on her knee. When I did that, Pet-Mom just sort of tipped her head and said “Hey Kathleen, I guess you couldn’t resist all the orange I am doing on our favourite spot”.
“What are you doing?” I said. Well, Pet-Mom was sprucing up her Colour Class notes. Pet-Mom teaches Colour Class - basically she takes what she knows about colour and chakras and shares that with others. Pet-Mom loves to talk about Colour and Chakras and how to use those two modalities for highest and best. Each time Pet-Mom teaches she likes to add more or different information each time. She likes to keep things fresh and new. So, Pet-Mom on this day is using her Orange Energy/Sacral Chakra Colour to make new hand-outs and fun things for the class she is going to teach very soon. She told me that by using Orange, she can tap in to fun, discovery and be inventive with words and demonstrations, and incorporate happy stories in her course planning. I also know that in addition to Pet-Mom adding new, fun ideas in her classes, she is working on other new things for her own store and products.
I know she also wants to make a sticker of me to give out to all the people who stop by her booth at fairs and trade shows. I feel so happy to know that soon I will be a sticker to share with all of you Pet-Friends! Pet-Mom also said that by putting this idea on paper, she will find a way to make it happen. Universal Energy she calls it and by using her Orange Energy, it will be a fun, happy and creative process.
Pet-Friends - if you ever get stuck trying to find a fun way to do something or if you want to be creative or discover a new way to move forward, remember Orange and all the different ways you can incorporate it into your endeavours. Whenever I see Pet-Mom using her orange pen and drinking orange juice, I know that exciting things are going to happen soon!
Until Next Time Pet-Friends.. keep safe and healthy!
- Kathleen, your Spirit Animal friend
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