Staying Kind Through Tough Times..


Good Evening Cat-Friends,


It’s Kathleen here. Cat-Dad has been stuck in social isolation and practicing social distancing. He told me he was going to “hijack” my blog. But I don't think that he is “hijacking” my blog. Rather, he has given me some suggestions on what to write about.

There is a lot of negative stuff being posted on the Cat-Net. Cat-Dad reminded me that even though there is a lot of negativity and uncertainty in the world, we should all be optimistic and maintain a positive mindset. It’s important, even though things look bleak, we should remain respectful and be kind to others. Treat others like we like to be treated. I like back scratches and back rubs. Although we can’t back scratch humans, everyone likes to be treated with that same level of respect and kindness.

It is important to remember that when you go to the store to get cat food and cat treats, keep 6 meters apart. Sneeze into your elbow and be kind to the grocery store clerks and employees and keep your distance to keep everyone safe!

Remember the doctors, nurses and hospital workers, including veterinarians who are working very hard to keep us all safe, well and help us get better. My Cat-Dad taught me some new phrases including “front-line workers” and “emergency personnel”. He said we shouldn’t forget these individuals.

Finally, Cat-Dad said it’s important to share. When we go to the store we should buy enough and not too much. Other cats, dogs, animals, and humans also need some of the supplies and food that we are buying. Cat-Dad told me “it’s important not to be a glutton.”

Stay safe everybody, practice some of the things Cat-Dad taught me.

Till my next blog- Kathleen.

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